2023-03-26: News Headlines

Adam Schwartz, David Greene, Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2023-03-25). Government Hasn't Justified A Tiktok Ban. popularresistance.org So we are troubled by growing demands in the United States for restrictions on TikTok, a technology that many people have chosen to exchange information with others around the world. Before taking such a drastic step, the government must come forward with specific evidence showing, at the very least, a real problem and a narrowly tailored solution. So far, the government hasn't done so. | Nearly all social media platforms and other online businesses collect a lot of personal data from their users. TikTok raises special concerns, given the surveillance and censorship practices of its home country, China. Still, th…

Staff (2023-03-26). Raúl fue el primero en acudir a su colegio electoral. cubadebate.cu El General de Ejército, Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución cubana, también ejerció su derecho al voto muy temprano en la jornada electoral que vive el país este domingo, informó en Twitter Presidencia Cuba. Más de ocho millones de cubanos están convocados a las urnas para elegir a los 470 diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular este domingo.

Staff (2023-03-26). Mauricio Macri descarta su participación en próximas elecciones en Argentina. cubadebate.cu Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) descartó su postulación a las elecciones generales previstas para el 22 de octubre de este año.A través de un video publicado en su perfil en la red social Twitter, el representante de la alianza opositora Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) confirmó su decisión de no ser candidato bajo el pretexto de "agrandar el espacio político".

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Russian Army Captured Ukrainian RAM II Loitering Munition (Photos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | The Russian military has captured a Ukrainian RAM II loitering munition that crashed on an unspecified front in the special military operation zone. | On March 24, photos surfaced online showing the captured loitering munition which appeared to be nearly intact. The loitering munition may have crashed as a result of a technical failure, or as a result of jamming by Russian electronic warfare means. | The RAM II loitering munition is a d…

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