2022-09-18: News Headlines

TeleSUR (2022-09-17). Hurricane Warning Issued for Puerto Rico for Fiona. telesurenglish.net The U.S. National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane warning for Puerto Rico on Saturday for the effects of Fiona, which for the moment continues as a tropical storm. | RELATED: | Through its Twitter account, the agency also warned of heavy rains that could produce "flooding and landslides in parts of Puerto Rico". | The hurricane warning issued by the National Hurricane Center is in effect for Puerto Rico, and inc…

_____ (2022-09-17). Joe Biden Thinks A Rail Strike Has Been Averted. popularresistance.org Just after 5 a.m. on Thursday, Marty Walsh tweeted that the railroad companies and the railroad unions had come to a tentative agreement, less than 19 hours from a potential shutdown: | "Moments ago, following more than 20 consecutive hours of negotiations at [the Department of Labor], the rail companies and union negotiators came to a tentative agreement that balances the needs of workers, businesses, and our nation's economy. The Biden Administration applauds all parties for reaching this hard-fought, mutually beneficial deal. Our rail system is integral to our supply chain, and a disruption would have had cata…

Scorinoco (2022-09-17). Documentary 'Alex Saab, A Kidnapped Diplomat' Premieres. orinocotribune.com The documentary Alex Saab, A Kidnapped Diplomat, directed by Venezuelan journalist and documentary filmmaker Karen Méndez, which tells the truth about the illegal detention of Venezuelan ambassador Alex Saab, first in Cape Verde and since October 2021 in the United States, premiered on Friday, September 16. | "For years, opinion experts on media have lied about Alex Saab, and they hide the truth that he brought food, medicine and fuel to Venezuela in the midst of the total blockade by the US," Méndez wrote on Twitter. "It is time to listen to lawyers, experts and family members to understand the story of the firs…

Karl-Gàºnter Technau, Ahmad Haeri Mazanderani (2022-09-17). [Comment] Point-of-care HIV diagnosis for infants: the outcomes we need to achieve. thelancet.com Caring for infants and young children living with HIV remains a reality for many families. Despite decades of work leading to a substantial reduction in vertical transmission rates, the stark reality of poor and often late access to HIV diagnosis and subsequent antiretroviral therapy (ART) remains an issue. This is especially true in the African region, where 90% of all HIV-exposed infants reside.1 150‚Äà000 children aged 0—9 years acquire HIV globally each year, but less than two-thirds access early infant testing services.

Staff (2022-09-17). Iranian Ambassador explains Iran's stance on Caucasus. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — In a series of tweets, the Iranian Ambassador to Baku has elaborated on Iran's stances on the two northern neighbors of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Robert Luo, Youyi Fong, Debi Boeras, Ilesh Jani, Lara Vojnov (2022-09-17). [Articles] The clinical effect of point-of-care HIV diagnosis in infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. thelancet.com Overall, the certainty of the evidence in this analysis was rated as high for the primary outcomes related to result delivery and treatment initiation, with no serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, or imprecision. In HIV-exposed infants, same-day point-of-care HIV testing was associated with significantly improved time to result delivery, time to antiretroviral therapy initiation, and proportion of HIV-positive infants starting antiretroviral therapy within 60 days compared with standard of care.

Staff (2022-09-17). Ratificará Cuba en AGNU su compromiso con la paz y el multilateralismo. cubadebate.cu Cuba ratificará la próxima semana su compromiso con la paz y el multilateralismo durante el Segmento de Alto Nivel del Debate General del 77 Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, afirmó este sábado el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, desde su cuenta en Twitter.

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