2022-09-17: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-17). Iranian Ambassador explains Iran's stance on Caucasus. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — In a series of tweets, the Iranian Ambassador to Baku has elaborated on Iran's stances on the two northern neighbors of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Robert Luo, Youyi Fong, Debi Boeras, Ilesh Jani, Lara Vojnov (2022-09-17). [Articles] The clinical effect of point-of-care HIV diagnosis in infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. thelancet.com Overall, the certainty of the evidence in this analysis was rated as high for the primary outcomes related to result delivery and treatment initiation, with no serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, or imprecision. In HIV-exposed infants, same-day point-of-care HIV testing was associated with significantly improved time to result delivery, time to antiretroviral therapy initiation, and proportion of HIV-positive infants starting antiretroviral therapy within 60 days compared with standard of care.

Karl-Gàºnter Technau, Ahmad Haeri Mazanderani (2022-09-17). [Comment] Point-of-care HIV diagnosis for infants: the outcomes we need to achieve. thelancet.com Caring for infants and young children living with HIV remains a reality for many families. Despite decades of work leading to a substantial reduction in vertical transmission rates, the stark reality of poor and often late access to HIV diagnosis and subsequent antiretroviral therapy (ART) remains an issue. This is especially true in the African region, where 90% of all HIV-exposed infants reside.1 150‚Äà000 children aged 0—9 years acquire HIV globally each year, but less than two-thirds access early infant testing services.

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-09-16). Zelensky quietly deletes photo of his bodyguard's pro-Hitler patch. thegrayzone.com The Ukrainian President published a photograph on his social media channels showing one of his security escorts bearing a patch referencing the personal bodyguard unit of Adolf Hitler. On September 13, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky made a surprise trip to the city of Izyum in the Kharkov Region for a photo op following his military's recapture of the town from Russian forces. During the visit, a soldier who appeared to be guarding Zelensky was photographed wearing a Nazi-inspired patch on …

PACBI (2022-09-16). Palestinians Salute Chile's President Gabriel Boric for Postponing the Accreditation of Apartheid Israel's Ambassador. bdsmovement.net

Ana Perdigón (2022-09-16). Venezuelan Army Disables 28th Narco Jet of 2022. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) disabled a plane belonging to the so-called Colombian Armed Drug Trafficking Terrorists(TANCOL), which makes it the 28th aircraft destroyed this year. | Through his Twitter account, the strategic operational commander of the FANB (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, highlighted the work and professionalism of the military body in defending Venezuela's geographic space. | Likewise, he indicated that during this year the FANB dismantled 28 TANCOL aircrafts and 306 in total since the beginning of this legal mandate allowing them to do so, dating back to 2012, as par…

Ann Brown (2022-09-16). Christopher Marshall: Record Companies Recruit Serial Killers Like Colleges Recruit 6'8″ High School Athletes. moguldom.com Writer/researcher Christopher Marshall recently tweeted, "Getting the notoriety of robbing and or killing a rapper could literally lead to a record deal because record labels recruit serial killers and prolific criminals like D1's recruit 6'8 nyghas." Are record companies recruiting serial killers like colleges recruit 6'8″ high school athletes? Record companies have profited off of …

Staff (2022-09-16). Venezuelan Foreign Minister Attends Inauguration of Re-elected Angolan President Joà£o Lourenàßo. orinocotribune.com The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Carlos Faría, participated this Thursday, September 15, in the inauguration ceremony of the re-elected president of Angola, Joà£o Lourenàßo, and the vice president, Esperanàßa Costa. | "We witnessed the official inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Angola, where we expressed a fraternal greeting from our President Nicolás Maduro and the People of Bolivar and Chávez," the Venezuelan foreign minister announced through his Twitter account. | Fuimos testigos de la Ceremonia Oficial de Investidura del Presidente de la Republica de An…

Staff (2022-09-16). Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas convoca a tuitazo este viernes en respaldo al nuevo Código de las Familias. cubadebate.cu La Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC) convocó hoy a un tuitazo en respaldo al nuevo Código de las Familias, el cual se someterá a referendo el 25 de septiembre próximo. Según la cuenta en la red social Twitter de la organización política, la invitación es para este viernes 16 de septiembre, de 9: 00 am a 12: 00 pm.

Staff (2022-09-16). La gran mayoría falla al resolver este reto viral: °Pruébate! cubadebate.cu Súmate al acertijo visual del momento y te aseguramos que la diversión está más que garantizada. øDe qué trata el siguiente reto viral? Debes detectar el error en la imagen que acompaña la nota en tu primer intento. °Anímate a poner a prueba tus habilidades! Te aseguramos que en la imagen hay un error. Solo podrás ubicarlo si prestas atención a los detalles.

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