2022-09-16: News Headlines

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-09-16). Zelensky quietly deletes photo of his bodyguard's pro-Hitler patch. thegrayzone.com The Ukrainian President published a photograph on his social media channels showing one of his security escorts bearing a patch referencing the personal bodyguard unit of Adolf Hitler. On September 13, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky made a surprise trip to the city of Izyum in the Kharkov Region for a photo op following his military's recapture of the town from Russian forces. During the visit, a soldier who appeared to be guarding Zelensky was photographed wearing a Nazi-inspired patch on …

Ana Perdigón (2022-09-16). Venezuelan Army Disables 28th Narco Jet of 2022. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) disabled a plane belonging to the so-called Colombian Armed Drug Trafficking Terrorists(TANCOL), which makes it the 28th aircraft destroyed this year. | Through his Twitter account, the strategic operational commander of the FANB (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, highlighted the work and professionalism of the military body in defending Venezuela's geographic space. | Likewise, he indicated that during this year the FANB dismantled 28 TANCOL aircrafts and 306 in total since the beginning of this legal mandate allowing them to do so, dating back to 2012, as par…

Staff (2022-09-16). Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas convoca a tuitazo este viernes en respaldo al nuevo Código de las Familias. cubadebate.cu La Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC) convocó hoy a un tuitazo en respaldo al nuevo Código de las Familias, el cual se someterá a referendo el 25 de septiembre próximo. Según la cuenta en la red social Twitter de la organización política, la invitación es para este viernes 16 de septiembre, de 9: 00 am a 12: 00 pm.

KATIE (2022-09-15). Commemorating 40 years since the Israeli-sponsored massacre at Sabra and Shatila. bdsmovement.net

Ann Brown (2022-09-15). Black America Reacts To Video Of Black Family Crying Over Queen Elizabeth's Death. moguldom.com The death of Queen Elizabeth on Sept. 8 at the age of 96 brought out an array of emotions from Black Americans and Black people in the diaspora. Judging from the comments on social media, many Black people were not saddened by her passing. In fact, some took to Twitter to remind the world of …

Steve Brown (2022-09-15). Giant Mobile Billboard Campaign for Julian Assange Goes Viral and Will Keep on Truckin' Round the Nation's Capital. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-09-15). Canadian rail workers back strike action by their US colleagues. wsws.org "I support them! Fully!" said one rail worker, who is a member of the CP Workers Rank-and-File Committee's Facebook group. "I am a railway worker in Canada and am disgusted by how we (both countries) have been treated by the railway management!"

Staff (2022-09-15). Cuba presentará por trigésima ocasión resolución contra bloqueo de EEUU ante la Asamblea General de la ONU (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores cubano, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, informó en un video publicado en Twitter que por trigésima ocasión se presentará ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas la resolución para poner fin al bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos. Durante los primeros 14 meses de la Administración Biden, esa política provocó daños a Cuba valorados en 6 364 millones de dólares.

Ann Brown (2022-09-15). Philly Rapper PnB Rock Murdered At Roscoe's In LA: Robbery Gangs Are Using 'Spotters'. moguldom.com Philadelphia rapper PnB Rock was robbed and shot to death at popular Los Angeles restaurant Roscoe's House of Chicken' N Waffles on Sept. 12. The 30-year-old was shot in front of his influencer girlfriend, Stephanie Sibounheuang, who reportedly posted their location in real-time on social media. The unknown suspect entered the eatery located in South …

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