2022-09-07: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-09-07). Protected by police, fascist Patriot Front holds march aimed at menacing Labor Day festival in Indianapolis. wsws.org Social media video posted on Saturday shows the fascist band marching, chanting xenophobic slogans and holding metal shields.

Jake Johnson (2022-09-07). Facebook Accused of Fueling Bolsonaro's Coup-Mongering. zcomm.org 'January 6th All Over Again'

Staff (2022-09-07). Denuncia analista en México campaña financiada por USAID para atacar a médicos cubanos. cubadebate.cu La USAID y legisladores panistas se han confabulado para articular una profusa campaña contra la presencia de médicos cubanos en México, según señala una investigación del analista político Katu Arkonada, compartida en su cuenta de Twitter. Arkonada señala que el coordinador de la bancada del PAN en el Legislativo Julen Rementeria encabeza la cruzada anticubana…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-06). Ukraine: How British Intelligence Globalized Online Trolling. libya360.wordpress.com Kit Klarenberg Since the conflict in Ukraine began, numerous commentators have drawn attention to the blatant weaponization of social media in service of the proxy war. Legions of users on Facebook, Twitter, and other major platforms, many anonymous and recently registered, have relentlessly propounded pro-intervention, pro-Ukraine propaganda, viciously attacking all those deviating even slightly from established Western…

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-06). Israel's Lapid Delivers Threat to Iran While Standing Next to F-35. news.antiwar.com Standing next to an F-35 fighter jet, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Tuesday issued a threat to Iran, warning the Islamic Republic that it could soon feel Israel's "long arm." In a video posted on Twitter, Lapid said it was too early to know if his pressure on the Biden administration to scrap negotiations …

Reynard Loki (2022-09-06). Dinner Versus the Truth: The Problem With Facebook's Content Warnings. independentmediainstitute.org The decision to prioritize our own comfort and convenience by looking away might feel easier, but it comes at a terrible cost. By David Marten 6 min read Facebook's algorithm is considering two sponsored posts that feature the same chicken. In the first post, she is alive and struggling, confined in a tiny cage, on …

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