2022-08-13: News Headlines

Arjae Red (2022-08-13). Starbucks recruits CIA goon for union busting. workers.org An Aug. 2 post on twitter from @UnionBustingBot, revealing Starbucks had recently hired former Pinkerton employee and CIA agent Amanda Stanfill as the Manager for Global Intelligence for Retail Operations, went viral. Stanfill has quite an impressive resume as an agent of the imperialist U.S. security state and a union-buster. . . . |

____ (2022-08-13). 5th caravan of grain ships departs from Ukraine. ecns.cn The fifth caravan of ships carrying grain sailed from Ukraine's Black Sea ports on Friday under a deal to prevent a global food crisis, the Ukrainian Infrastructure Ministry said on Facebook.

Sophie Louise Roberts, Giles S Kendall, Sarah Edwards, Pranav Pandya, Donald Peebles, Eleni Nastouli, UCL cCMV MDT (2022-08-13). [Correspondence] Screening policies for cytomegalovirus in pregnancy in the era of antivirals. thelancet.com Cytomegalovirus is one of the most common congenital infections, affecting 0 ∑67% of all livebirths globally.1 The rate of vertical transmission is 30—40% after maternal primary infection throughout pregnancy.2 40—60% of infants born with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus disease at birth will have long-term sequelae. Antenatal cytomegalovirus screening is offered in only a few countries and is not currently recommended in the UK, where, in addition, a decision against newborn screening was also recently upheld.

Staff (2022-08-13). Juantorena y los médicos luchan por su vida: "Salud campeón", deseó Díaz-Canel en Twitter. cubadebate.cu Alberto Juantorena está hospitalizado, informó el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel en un tweet en el que rememora la victoria de Cuba en la final del relevo de 4×400 metros planos en los Juegos Centroamericanos de La Habana 1982. "Hoy, él y los médicos luchan por su vida y Cuba espera que triunfen también. Salud campeón", deseó el presidente este 12 de agosto.

_____ (2022-08-12). The Nobodies Take Office in Colombia: An In-Depth Analysis. popularresistance.org People are crying, embracing, yelling, as the streets fill with joy. Horns honk and people dance in the middle of avenues. They can't believe that the news traveling by word of mouth, tweet to tweet, news show to news show, is really true. As the minutes and hours pass, they confirm that it is true: This June 19th they—the Nobodies—have won. | "I am tingling from head to toes, overcome with emotion because I know that this is an historic accomplishment for all of us to remember. What joy! What happiness! Until dignity becomes customary!" says Ana Yuli Gamboa with a big smile—an Afro-Colombian wo…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-08-12). Lawyer Activist: The City Of Atlanta Is Trying To Make Money By Locking Up Residents. moguldom.com An attorney, writer and activist from Atlanta has accused the city of being willing to trade prisoners for profit. Josie Duffy Rice — whose website bio says her work is primarily focused on prosecutors, prisons, and other criminal justice issues — called out Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens in a lengthy Twitter thread. She said Dickens did "a …

_____ (2022-08-11). Fact Finding Mission To Donbass Part 2. popularresistance.org What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok here in the U.S. have in common? They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why Struggle-La-Lucha.org organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S. This is the second part of my report. (Part 1: Fact-finding trip to Donbass) | The social media outlets are an open door to organizations like NATO, milita…

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