2022-09-09: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-09-09). Melbourne artist forced to remove anti-war mural after reactionary social media campaign. wsws.org The artist has been subjected to a barrage of anti-Russian and pro-war propaganda for his artwork aimed at promoting peace.

Contributing Writers (2022-09-08). President Vladimir Putin: Who Armed the Terrorists in Syria? Who Created the Islamic State (ISIS). marktaliano.net READ MORE: Russia Condemns Obama's Decision to Conduct Illegal Air Strikes against Syrian Forces, Washington's Objective was to Protect ISIS Terrorists, In Violation of Washington-Moscow Agreement The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Pres. Vladimir Putin, Global Research, 2015 Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page Become a Member of …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-08). How the CIA Has Infiltrated Social Media Companies, With Alan Macleod. orinocotribune.com The MintPress podcast, "The Watchdog," hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist | It is a story that is straight out of a dystopian science fiction novel. Big social media platforms, including…

Andy Kroll (2022-09-08). America's Forever Wars Go Viral. tomdispatch.com The three men and three women stood with their right arms raised. Behind them the remains of the daylight hued the sky a bluish gray. As a fire danced at their feet, they gazed straight ahead at a camera recording their words. The square-jawed man in the middle, retired Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, spoke first. The others, including members of his family, repeated after him. "I do solemnly swear…" I…do solemnly swear… "That I will support and defend…" That I will support and defend… "The Constitution of the United States…" The Constitution of the United States… The setting for this oath-taki…

KATIE (2022-09-08). Join thousands of supporters worldwide for our #UNGA77 Global Day of Action! bdsmovement.net

Staff (2022-09-08). Cuba transmite condolencias por deceso de Isabel II. cubadebate.cu El Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez expresó a través de la red social Twitter, las más sentidas condolencias a Su Alteza Real, el Príncipe Carlos, al resto de la Familia Real y al pueblo y gobierno británicos por el fallecimiento de Su Majestad, la Reina Isabel II.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-08). Arrestan a autor de tiroteo que dejó cuatro muertos en EE.UU. telesurtv.net El joven disparaba indiscriminadamente desde su vehículo mientras transmitía el criminal hecho en vivo por Facebook.

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