2022-08-16: News Headlines

____ (2022-08-16). Xinjiang purchases homegrown oral antiviral for urgent clinic use. ecns.cn The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has purchased a batch of the domestically developed COVID-19 oral medicine Azvudine for urgent clinical use, said Hu Zhichun, an official from the regional health commission, on Tuesday.

Ann Brown (2022-08-15). Mom Warns America About Kim Kardashian-Inspired Brazilian Butt Lifts After Daughter Dies From Operation. moguldom.com Inundated with images on social media and reality shows, more and more women are trying to obtain an unrealistic body. One young New York City woman who wanted a Kim Kardashians-style butt died trying to get it. Now her mother is warning Americans about the dangers of the plastic surgery procedure called the Brazilian Butt …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-08-15). Top Reparations Scholar Dr. Sandy Darity Pleads With Nina Turner And Democrats To Stop Faulty Debt Cancellation Math On Wealth Gap. moguldom.com Renowned, award-winning reparations scholar William "Sandy" Darity is not happy with former Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner touting statistics that say canceling $ ,000 in student loan debt will help close the racial wealth gap. And he directly told her so on Twitter. "Canceling just $ ,000 of student debt per person would immediately increase Black Americans' …

Staff (2022-08-15). China lashes out at US congressmen's visit to Taiwan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 15 (MNA) — Beijing urges Washington to stop interfering in the country's internal affairs and adhere to the "one China" policy, Liu Xiaoming, special representative of the Chinese government for the Korean Peninsula, tweeted.

Hind Khoudary (2022-08-15). Social Media Giant Meta Carries Out 'Digital Massacre' of Palestinian Posts. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-08-15). Greece returns Iranian crude oil illegally seized by the US. popularresistance.org The Iranian embassy in Athens revealed late on 12 August that the Lana, an Iranian-flagged tanker, is retrieving a cargo of oil that the US tried to steal earlier this year. | "The transfer of stolen Iranian oil to the Lana is underway in Greek waters, and the ship will soon leave for our country with the full cargo of oil," the Iranian embassy tweeted.

Staff (2022-08-15). Atilio Borón Presents a Practical Solution to EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Case. orinocotribune.com The Argentinian author Atilio Borón issued a proposal on Friday, August 13, to oppose the claims of the Argentinian government, led by President Alberto Fernández. Fernandez claimed that Argentina, being tied by its country's "judicial dictatorship," could not do anything to rectify the Venezuelan EMTRASUR Boeing 747-300 situation. | Borón, however, wrote on his Twitter account that "in just over a minute," he could provide an "effective—albeit temporary—solution that helps Venezuela and somewhat preserves our dignity." He also attached a video of his proposal. | In the video, he recommended that duri…

Julia Conley (2022-08-15). Facebook 'Appallingly Failed' to Detect Election Misinformation in Brazil, Says Democracy Watchdog. commondreams.org "The disinformation that Facebook allows on its platform feeds into the 'stop the steal' narrative in Brazil—a growing tactic intended to set the stage for contesting the election."

WSWS (2022-08-15). Why is the Michigan Medicine nurses' union abridging freedom of speech? wsws.org In a Facebook post, the president of the MNA-UMPNC has blatantly used scare tactics to tell nurses what they can and cannot discuss about Michigan Medicine while they are working without a contract.

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